Hi. My name is Keshia, and I'm addicted to books.
Everyone says that the first step is admitting you have a problem. But I don't want help. I just want another book. Any book will do, really. A classic, a good mystery, or maybe even a well written romance (if I'm mad at my husband). But my favorites are all lumped together in the genre of fantasy. A good fantasy leads you to wonder how the past might have been, what may be in the present, or what could be in the future The way I see it, I live in reality, and I don't always like it. Why would I chose to entertain myself with more reality? When I settle in with a good read, I want to be taken as far away from my problems as possible. Is that so wrong?
So, a little about myself and my blog. I believe ghosts exist, King Arthur was a real person, and Atlantis really did sink into the ocean. But, no, I don't believe the majority of what is written about them. It is called fantasy for a reason, after all. Fairies, Aliens, and the Loch Ness monster do not exist, but wouldn't it be cool if they did?
I'll be using this blog to review books, discuss books, look for suggestions on new books, (seeing a pattern here?) and occasionally, just to share a random thought or two. So if you're like me, or if you think I'm nuts but would like a good laugh, follow along. :)
This is sooooooooo awesome. I love your introduction.