Wednesday, August 1, 2012

To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

We all know that social media, and the internet in general, is a huge time suck. BUT, it is also a great way for  a new author from a small press to get her name out to a lot of people. I enjoy blogging and my facebook page because I think they make me feel real and accessible. I love that. I want people to be able to tell me what they think, start conversations, etc. Goodreads is super awesome. It's a whole website dedicated to books. How could it not be? Yet I know as my book's release date gets closer I'll need to do more, so I'm asking: What do you recommend? Twitter? Tumblr? Something else? What is the best way to connect and still have time to actually write?


  1. I love my blog and facebook page. I enjoy Twitter because the comments and conversations are short. You can also reach a lot of people at once. I don't know much about Tumblr- so I look forward to hearing what others have to say. Good luck!


  2. Twitter does seem to be the favorite, so I'll probably go with that. Eventually. Thanks for commenting!
